
Watch "You Are the Apple of my eye" with BF& the whole cinema is fully seated.Luckily, bf booked seats beforehand.The movie was hilarious most of the time and touching at the end.It's happens in life too,where most of the guys chase the particular pretty girlHowever,the ending concludes that if you really love someone,all you wanted is for him/her to be happy be it...

FEEL SO GRUMPY TODAY!! ARGGH!BF doesn't even care too!He went immediate offline.Always like this!Seriously don't like him always went off when i'm like this!And think that leaving me like this actually cools me down?HELL NO!He actually making things worse by making me even more Pissed off! ...

Gonna Help out Yong Qiang later for the ENG 20th Anniversary Celebration.And i'm so EXCITED!Meeting THE GIRLS later after work! :)GRACE.JIAQI.CHUN LING.QIANYU.YANMINGmaybe: WEIJIE.JEFF?They keep me surviving through my work today.Felt so Sleepy.Because my laptop has 117 updates after reformatting ytd.And it was done updating till 12.30am. ...

Jo-eun ah-chim~Today is the Final Judging period for the MP/SIP student.Good Luck to them!And have been real sleepy these days.But i do hope that i will be kept busy so that time would pass by faster.Cos...Its the weekend that keeps me going and alive.Bf gave me a Photography tips.So here it is..Taking photos of Birds :Set your camera to AI Servo Mode for...

Food Recipe 21.11.11
Recipes on... Mini Mac n' Cheese Muffins Ingredients: 1 lb. small elbow pasta 6 oz. butter, divided 4 oz. flour 4 cups whole milk 1 lb. cheddar cheese, grated 3 eggs, whisked ¾ cup bread crumbs 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper salt to taste Special equipment: 24 count mini muffin tin Method: Bring salted water to a rolling boil and cook pasta according...

JO&LQtravelSG 19.11.11
A DAY AT THE JURONG BIRD PARK WITH HUBBY! :)Had Sausage Mcmuffin breakfast set meal at MAC!A great Breakfast to start our day.Parrots greeted us at the entrance of the JBPAnd we even took a photo with it.But the photographer abit CMI,thus the photo angle was not so nicely taken.We traveled around JBP and took photos of Birds.*psst!* FYI, we use the normal...

See!! My Sleepy eyes~~ Im so damn Freaking tired.I wanna sleep..now having a heavy headache.Crap!!Anw, im troubled..hais..don't know what's wrong with me either.And today hopefully i get to eat dinner with bf :)Not to forget, today is CCN day!Gonna buy some stuff for bf.haha YES!! BF is always running in my mind!! :):):)TADA!!Ending my post with a photo which can make you laughAnd...

Just change my blog AGAIN!Never-ending changing of layout.And oh Gee!! I'm craving for CALAMARIsss(Thanks to Ming Jing..haha!)She posted Calamaris Ring on FB and now im HUNGRY!! *stomach growling**Change Topic*Anyway, Hope today got things to do so that i won't be bored.Too bored is no good at all, because i need to act busy.so! Back to Work! Bye Bye~!Went to meet the Ladies for...

A smile without revealing my Teeth

Do you know why I always smile without revealing my teeth?Ans: Reason because i have a pair of bunny teeth.Went for Dentist on Saturday for cleaning.Guess what? I have decays and have to pluck out my wisdom tooth.The dentist revealed that my wisdom tooth is useless.And she also questioned me on why i didn't want to have braces.As you know, all these things...


My dad insist on me having Aranda Chalet cos is cheapAnd its convenient for buying food if there ain't enough.But did he ever ask me what i want for birthday??!Its like everything is he decide,then thats not my birthday anymoreMust well don't celebrate.My mom even worse, she said 21 is nothing,dont celebrate betterplus she didnt celebrate her 21st.PLus it will be weird not...

Done many things today!Counted as accomplishment! ^^Pack my Wardrobe and cleared some stuff!Place all my accessories in a drawerClean our DSLR and the dry box and my laptopRemove my nail Polish and repaint it.Super Glue-ing all my shoes and accessories.Put Mei Li Ri Ji Facemask.Watch The Walking Dead Season 2 episode 4 with DearNext task to be done...Ask Dan to figure my laptop...

Dine at the Basil Inn with hubby after work.Basil Inn was known for its Thai Food.Esp the Pineapple fried rice,Steam Fish and Green Curry were Awesomely Delicious.After that we went for movie "SECTOR 7"Movie was ok only. It's like a Monster Escape show.Only the main actor survive,as usual.Hubby took a photo with the main actor, cos he think she's pretty.So capture it as...

TODAY : 11.11.11TIME : 11:11AMI wish for BF to be SAFE, RICH IN HEALTH AND WEALTH and HAPPY.I wish for everyone around me to be HAPPY, SAFE, HEALTHY, WEALTHY. ...

Had half day leave to accompany bf.Such a good gf, ain't i? :) *grins*Bf cook me Pineapple rice with HashBrown & Taiwan SausagesSo sweet hor?We then head down to Bugis for lunch and had Sakae Sushisince we got craving for.....SUSHISSSSSAnd not to forget my FAV SASHIMISSS :)After lunch-ing, its SHOPPING time for BF.He bought many many clothes, 2 clothes,3 shorts,one cardigan and a...

Darling's bought All this from TAIWAN for ME and my FamilyThe Sexy shirt for me! LOL can seduce him haha!And the Cute Pink Stripey shirt for me to look younger!Yeappie!! Darling also bought me 2 box of MEI LI RI JI MASK!And 1 of the box he mixed it with other mask,so that i could try.And then YESS!! HE gave me surprise by...