
"PEOPLE ALWAYS LEAVE.BUT THIS TIME I'M THE ONE LEAVING"I'm starting my ADMIN work on 1st Aug.I will be damn busy buti've got to persevere in order to go Uni.so BYE BYE TSO and HELLO to MSO. (: ...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEE (:(:(:!!yEA YEA im "20" already.got the "2" infrontoh SO OLD!!=( but i will be young at heart..hehexAnw, work full day on my birthdaybut hahas super slack lol..This is how i spent my day:Morning Ate MAC BREAKFAST with Cheng Hao papa.Played Arcade afterwards and chiong back to schl,Once reach schl, went for another lunch break with dan n CMAFTERNOONhahahas was...

Oh so cute!!Bf can i have this for my breakfast?hehes..well one more day to my birthday.Hmm..well im not excited actually.It feels like any other normal usual day.Nothing special.Oh well!Maybe tml i will feel something i hope!(: ...

"O0O0OH I LOVE this shirt!"Anw, got throat pain after all the Good food and sinful Choc.oh wells,back to work again after all the fun.I am looking forward to another weekend though.(:hehes.Anw,gtg work so byebye!!^^ ...

My adv birthday with LOVE <3 hahas bf kp telling me that he is bringing eat $1.80 chicken rice.lol.but i was surprise when he brought me to CATHAY.Its not just those normal cinema its PLATINUM CINEMA SUITE.OMG!!!i was amazed too.awww!!!Must be super EX.We went there to watch HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOW PT2.Before watching the show,we were asked to go to the...

Today is the day im singing with the girls and jeff.we sang till hmm 5pm.i sing till no voice lor.hahas cos i hardly sing and i hardly listen to chi song now.gotta update myself soon.BF join us for dinner at CHANG @ ILUMA.the korean food was OMG DELICIOUS.haha and Grace bluff bluff say"i later go meet my friend, i nd pass something"and i...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LINA!!(:(:hahas she is 21 years old le .Time passes so fast.we are all turning old..lol nono im still young hahas.Anw, went to her chalet with yanming, jiaqi and grace.Gabriel drives us there.had lots of food .we then play the bangbang card game after shishan group arrivesLOL play and play till 12.50am plus ..but the game still haven't endlol end up...



hahas Morning peeps!(:hehex read through my past when bf n i were just friends.Then, thinking about how we met and how we get tgt.The process was super sweet loves.and now we are still as lovely, just a little fight sometimes.But it makes our love grow stronger.(:Photos [ Buffet with lovely 2e2 ]: More photos @ https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150238647543947.317435.638548946 ...

BOOOOOOOOO!!! :)Just another day of boring work.hohoho!but after work i am having buffet dinner with my loveliesRachel,MeiQi,Mus,kok hao,chau ming and kok ming.so i nd to rush my work so that time could pass quickly.see ya!!*zoom off...* ...

Hello Peeps.*grins* i've solved the Flash problem omg super happyAnd im left with cover flow and then im done with this project.I felt less stress after speaking to my senior about the admin job.well it went so smoothly.i like!~Anw, had to supervise coral sec student in the laband i had chit chat session with the teacher Mr damienwhile the students prepare for the...

JO&LQlovediary 18.7.11
Hello Milo! today started off not bad ya. Had progress on my flash application. the day passes by quite fast. hope it could be even faster.kekekes Lunch @ Ashton today(Chargrill chicken,salad and baked potato.) this week is filled with activites muahahas super happy la.~ =)=) cant wait. Anw,gtg!work work work. Cool doodling art.hahas ...

WHAT A BAD,LOUSY FRIDAY!! AHH!!really feel so lousy!=(=(=(the weather really reflects my feeling now.hais.FMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFML.My flash got stuck again.Yes again.i give up ah!totally.Anw, something to make me feel a little betterAwww SO CUTE!!!=) ...

Hello Jello Millo! =)well i've change my blog link and layout.i think i still prefer the simple layoutrather that a complicated and messy one.I've also change my blog link to honeyofmine.blogspot.com.i love the present link i've created hahas without using a dashor a numerical..easier to type too ^^anw, i miss bf real badly!!=(now he doesn't hav time for me.so sad la!And wishing for...

i wish i didnt care.so that i could be much happier.But, well..some things just appear right infront of me.It just makes me feel insecure.DAMNAnw, change subject!=DWell,i found this at Grace's blog.And this reminds me to have breakfast everyday!Because i felt super sick,feel like vomit and massive headache.Its freaking terrible!so0o0o0o0oooo.....Here it is!Importance of having BREAKFAST!1.HEALTHY EATING HABITS – It is well established that people...

Hello!!^^ im here again..Took halfday leave againand this time round im at bf's house.We watch movies and the jogging.i totally felt so sick afterwards.bf actually waited outside the toilet for meacc me back his home with DuriansLOL then his mom bought curry fishhead and chickenwingLOts of yummy food for dinner yet im sick.WASTED!Super wasted..then we watch ice quake.never expect the movie to be...

JO&LQtravelSG 6.7.11
Hello!!^^ lOng time no update. Had half day leave because bfs' having block leave so decided to go kite-flying at Marina Barrage. fly fly fly~~fly as high as u can. flying a kite makes me feel so relax. it makes me feel like flying for freedom anw, we had so much fun tgt. After that, we head to Bugis MOF to dine. It...

TO MY BF PIPI:sorry for saying all the vulgarities because i was really really angry.sorry to kp bothering u about my family matters.=(But then,BF thank you for being there for me when i cry and when i need u.I will listen to ur advice and not bother about them.And i really nd u very badly.badly enough that i cant afford to lose u...

Well i went the wrong route.I wouldn't have take the job interviewmy grandma recommended if she persist.now REGRET is how i feel.because she is my grandma i respect her.but because of her, i ended up quarreling with my dad.now i got banned from going out,no more overseas with fwenseven if im 21.See!! im stuck in the middle. grandma force me to take the...

Im craving for starbucks Javachips coffee.Slurplicious~!To my love : HAPPY 2yr5months to you.And tada!we have been in love for so long.I hope our love will never die and continue to grow till old and goes to lala land.i love you dearly.signing off,your gf =) ...