I AM OFFICIALLY A GRADUATE!!^^This three years of my poly life have been full of sunshine and rain.In RetrospectWhen i step into TP as a year 1 student,i was full of smiles and the reaction when i step into the classroomwas:"WAA omg sian so many overseas(girls) "And i actually thought grace was from China too ..Then Chenghao,junxiang,clement,roy, grace,jean,shaoren weixuan and ibecame a bunch...
Heyhey!=]Today is the deadline of my website and its going on live.feeling nervous.Hope everything goes well.All the best to me!(: ...
Im selling Mosquito Bands for $2 only!!The mosquito band can only last for 240 hrs.Item is packed with re-sealable ziplock pack.Ingredients :Citronella oil 30%, Superfine fibertextile fabrics 70%(100% natural aroma)It is tested and proven!By my friends and it really works.pm me if you want (: ...
OMGOMGOMG!Had sore eyes early in the morning.luckily,chau ming acc me to the bookshop to buy the eyedrop.And the eyedrop cost $4!SO EX!my one day meal gone.well~lucky i took half day leave.got a job interview hope it fails cos i wanna the event company job.then im gonna collect the DSLR stuff at HARBOURFRONT.so many thing to do huh?i still have to rush the website...
Hey Hey!!im back~well BF is back from his 4days outfield camp.and im sad to see him with heat rash,mozzie bites,and worse,his head is tilted one side:Muscle Strain.:(:(:( HeartPain damn badly.went to his house to watch PAULthe movie okok only.Rate:5/10After that we head to NEX to had dinner.Dined at LENAS again.My treat.well then we chat about some stuff.it makes me damn sad.real damn sad.it...
Heylo Jello!!Right back to clear the dust in my blogWell~ Been pretty busy with workand while at home im busy doing cutomised band for my dear.These is gonna be a tough month asbf is having 4 days of outfield camp and another 1 month of Brunei.Sucky month for me,i know.gonna miss him so so much.Anw,there!While researching for my website,i came accross Google webpage...
Hello.Went to bf's house to have a movie marathon.watch 2 movie: FAST 5 and THE ROOMMATE.Fast 5 was not bad.Rating 7.5/10while The Roommate kinda psycho.so i shall rate 7/10After watching both show,bf,his mom and sis went for the voting while his sis bf and i went to MAC to wait for them.After that,we went back to his housewhile both his sis and her...
Right i think i shld take a smile.today is somehow our monthly anniversary.but HAIS!!Bets he forgotten about it.Yesterday night i should say its very torturous for mei cough my lungs out every 2 to 3 sec.SLEEPLESS NIGHT!i suddenly feel so sick and tired.noone take care of me too :(One word to describe everything.SUCKS!:(:(:( FMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFML!! Right i think i shld take a smile.today is...