Hey HEY HEY!!finally im using my lappy at home.it has been decomposing for two weeks.ANW,im happy to announce thatim 80 percent done on the 2 website.Hope the stuff dont make things difficult for me. Hey HEY HEY!!finally im using my lappy at home.it has been decomposing for two weeks.ANW,im happy to announce thatim 80 percent done on the 2 website.Hope the stuff dont...
Its been so long ever since i've updatewell i will soon update on the days that i went out with my dear. Must be wondering how come im so busy right? right now im working as a temp staff and was tasked to create the website.right!thus,i had to meet the tight deadline.STRESS!!but ain't have any choice because of the money sake. well hope...
Bowling with Jaser and i got 2 strikesBut then the rest is mostly Drain..DAMN!i dont dare go SAFRA play leSo many pros down there.SIAN!! ...
ITS BOWLING DAY for dear and i (:Thought not a very great fan of bowling.but i just play for fun.1st time playing with bf.LOL and as usual my money goes down the drain.hehes okok its not MY money is BF 's money.but every time the ball goes down the drain,i felt very sad!then inside of me will say:Stupid ball.Anw, this is me holding...
Had lunch with my family at Yuki Yakiit was a fulfilling one haha..i just love steamboat and BBQ!!However, how i wish its "Chi Bu Fei"So that i will remain skinny no matter how much i ate.Anw, we went to THAI EMBASSY.i was hoping that there is body massage like last year..Much to my disappointment,there isnt any.Many of the items sold there is too...
A day where CHARLIE BROWN CAFE planFAIL..=Xwe head to Trattoria to test the Italian cuisineI love my spaggethi with the squid ink pasta.a unique taste. indescribable.Next we head to search for YONG QIANG present.Bought a branded belt for him.Then head to his chalet to celebrate his birthday.BF send me home afterwards..(:Really hope that our plans will work one day.ANW, ITS PHOTO TIME. ...
Well well Well~ Done some housework andwatch JUST GO WITH IT online.sweet show and i miss bf alot...wish weekend faster come.and i wish he dont have weekend guard dutynow the only place i can see him is through photos.i shall take many of his photos,be it unglam or handsome.=)=)=) ...
Went School earlier with Sis to handle some job stuff.Brought her to eat Short circuit Western food.She is like happily eating it.lolAnw, brought her to play 2 rounds of bowling.I got many spares but sadly, no strike.However,there is improvement in my bowling skills *clap claap*Watch "Gnomeo and Juliet" movie to pass time.Then Home sweet Home. (:Our Bowling ScoresMy little Sis ...