confused.or should i say im insecure?i guess i think too much!!omg..Right!!Decision making time.since dear is counting down with his gd fwensRegina invites me to the COUNTDOWN.means celebrating with secondary friends.Qianyu invite me to the COUNTDOWN.means celebrating with POLY mates.aiyayaya~ hard to choose.Dad says celebrate at home.He win liao lor. i celebrate with family.but dont know yet.see how~since dear change his guard duty...
OHwell!my sis had chicken pox!and my holiday is wasted because i had to take care of herhowever,today my dad let me go out!(:so i went out during evening after she does her stuff.head to Bugis and meet darling and his 2nd at bugis street and i cant find my fave high waist short!REGRET!shld have bought.damni ended up not buying anything.=( no nice...
Wishing everyone a HAPPY MERRY CHRISTMAS.celebrated with my DEAREST bf.he is the planner for the dayand movie FAILED!!=XHe gave me a SCRUMP BAG for Christmasand i love it.and i gave him his first gift a HAND-MADE Christmas card.and we ended up shop around and around.we had HONEYMOON DESSERTS!Bf carrying the scrump bagMY Watermelon sagohoney's mango sagoAND i give him his 2nd gift:COTTONON shirt...
Right!i simply got nothing to do.Luckily, there is storybook to acc me throughout my day.and while surfing the internet.i saw this!its a very sweet and unique website.Navigations:HAVE A, HAPPY AND CHRISTMAS.ENJOY!! ...
Dear's night out and DINNER @ LERK THAIour pineapple rice.My Tomyum soup.Dear's green curry ...
Head to IKEA to have lunch withRACHEL,MEI QI and ISAAC it was a nice gathering.Had my usual meatballs and ice cream at TAMP1The ice cream at the MANPUKU cost $1 ONLY!!MUST TRY!!you will love it~We chit chat for quite long and then Meiqi left while the rest of us went to shopCOTTONON is having SALES too.SUPER CHEAP.and then shop for christmas stuff tooand...
Right!ive done christmas cards(:and ive almost forgot to send burn the project into the CDand send to our now preparing to go see ya!OK this one here,fill in the blank for me PLEASE. ...
Had a very bad dream today.i felt tears rolling down when i woke up.A sudden feel of insecureness.and i suddenly feel that bf dont love me anymore.=( Had a very bad dream today.i felt tears rolling down when i woke up.A sudden feel of insecureness.and i suddenly feel that bf dont love me anymore.=( ...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MOM AND SIS!!bought a AMOS LEE story book for my sisand a handwritten card for both of them.and BF gave a "free" present for my sis.Unfortunately, my sis likes the "free" present instead of minebut oh well!nvm.Went to the ZOO!its been so long since ive step into the zoo.and there is a RIVER SAFARI opening soon.*cant wait*Then dinner @ SWENSENS.and...
Went swimming with RACHEL(:we swam 10 lapsand i can feel my flat tummy.nice!went to TAMP 1 for the delicious ice creamand the JELLYFISH.*yum yum*Rachel had TERRIYAKI CHICKEN.and then we went shopping and homed.HAHA.i realized that it would be a miracle ifmy dear LQ would do these things:1) kiss and hug me in front of friends.2) say "I LOVE YOU" in front of my...
There is so many things for me to do.since now is my holiday.left with all my assignmentsand shop for Christmas stuff.. HOORAY. I JUST CANT WAIT FOR CHRISTMAS.*grin grin*This is what i would like to do with my dearest LQ. ...
YEAPPIE!!ITECH TERM TEST has ended~i'm FREE~~and now i have nothing to do.seeing Gabriel revising his MMNS muahahahas.ok i seriously have nothing to do..=/ YEAPPIE!!ITECH TERM TEST has ended~i'm FREE~~and now i have nothing to do.seeing Gabriel revising his MMNS muahahahas.ok i seriously have nothing to do..=/ ...
Yeap!Thats me.(:playing webcam in the midst of studying.was too bored,so i make retarded face.and *capture* And this is me with my wide smile.btw, i hardly smile with my teeth, do i look nicer?Yea im studying.i did study.and yea!!this is my FAVE snapshot of mehaha kk..enough of slacking..ITS STUDY TIME (: Yeap!Thats me.(:playing webcam in the midst of studying.was too bored,so i make...
Watch THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA-THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER.with my lovely bf.Played arcade and had JUST ACIA for dinner.Dear made me a handmade scrump toohehes. so cute!and then HOMED.(: ...
Will not be blogging tillTERM TEST IS OVER ...which is on 13th DEC 2010.Meanwhile,all the best to those who are having exams (: ...
Bought MAC BREAKFAST DELUXE for brunch.LOVELY!!=)revise ITECH lecture notes and nothing went in my head!GG!then went to bake choc cupcakes with janice,eugene,sis and iPHOTOS showing the process of baking cupcakes.Sis squeezing orange juiceJanice mixing the chocolate mixturepreparing the cupcake holderfilling the holder with chocolate mixtureTADA!!and after baking icing sugar on the cupcakeThis is mine!!=)This is OUR CUPCAKES.janice,eugene,my mom,sis and i!!i want this...