I totally hate "UNKNOWN NUMBER"its either my dad who calls and ruin my dayORthe irritating guy who keeps calling me NON-STOPanyway i have deleted him from Facebook.but i still cant get rid of him from my HP.HOW ANNOYING =(i wish i can change my Hp no. and it would be even better if i change my hp to iphone 4=)oh wells.TORTURE!! ...
Ended the Sitex fair with a few earnings.The commissions for one basic projector is 3 dollar.Very little huh?!lucky there is other projector with commission of 15 and 30 dollarsand this time round,im working for Acecomm instead of challenger.make new friends too.JoJo,and the guy on the right(dont know his name)The welfare is good but there is something difference too.SPOT THE DIFFERENCE??Still can't tell??--------------okay.okay.shall tell...
GPS @ SENTOSA AY10/11 THEME:HEY GORGEOUSThe event ended pretty ok although we face many problems such asheavy downpours and GPS sets spoil However, we overcome all these.so *clap clap*Dinner @ Pizza Hut(sponsered by DAVIN)and then Ryan the gentleman send me home(: GPS @ SENTOSA AY10/11 THEME:HEY GORGEOUSThe event ended pretty ok although we face many problems such asheavy downpours and GPS sets spoil...
AH YESSS!!FINAL JUDGING(wed) IS OVER !!I am STRESS FREE and the burden is GONE~Hope we can score for our MP.Dear has his night out today.So We had dinner @ SAKURA.and unfortunately dear's bag got stolen.However there's nothing in his bag.PHEW!and then he walked me home.(: ...
watch HARRY POTTER 7 with darling@ BUGIS JUNCTIONthe movie was GREAT!!!hohoho and darling miss the last part.but i didn't kept him in suspenseand told him what happen.Awaiting for HP part2After that we bus-ed to Boon Keng to have dinnerwith darling's family @ Wen Dong jithe food over there is niceespecially the chicken.Its tender!!Yummy!!Went to Plaza Sing to shop around and then to Pasar...
Busy handling certain stuff.feel so occupied by it and exhausted at the same timeWanet Quiz next week and PR3 this week.our MP project is halfway done.and i miss my friends,miss going out with them.and of course miss my darling.anticipate to see him on weekends.Darling also told me that there is fireworks at nightin USS and only cost 5 dollars.and I WISH TO GO...