yesterday,hubby's sms so sweet LOLi think today my food don't need to add sugar/anything sweet.otherwise got diabetes LOL (TOUCH WOOD!!) (:i miss hubby really very very much..looking forward to webcam with him(:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------thanks cousin(: for selling my bookmarks.& for giving me soft toy and hello kitty pouch yesterday,hubby's sms so sweet LOLi think today my food don't need to add sugar/anything sweet.otherwise got diabetes...
Hello!(:study study study again.LOLwhats wrong with my code again?=/IE keeps having problems.IE sucks.anw,i had so many things to makes my mind go whirl.unable to fall asleep.HEADACHE.yesterday the kitty saw me going to the lift.then the kitty come towards me.kekexthe kitty is in love with me UHOH!!Hubby you got a competitor le HAHA.quick use your fierce look again and compete with kitty.(:at night...
Hello(: had a nice sleep oh!damn nice slp.hehex.and back to "DOING CODE DAY"oh can you feel my "SIANZATION" feeling?CAN YOU??!anw,i wanna wish .....SEBASTIANHAPPY BIRTHDAY!!haha grow old liao..welcome to age 19surprise that i remember your birthday rite?hahas.anw,enjoy ur day.=) ...
Had a nightmare and shivered.waited till the morning then slp.HAIS.and i really wish hubby is beside meand i can hug him to tv the whole day and then webcam with hubby again (:hubby is goin back in his army camp again.haiyo!!how i wish later no nightmare.. ...
Stayed at home to do research.Had lots of problems with the internet connection.Thus,i uninstall many things..ended up uninstall my video card drivers.damn unluckynow my window no transparency,no notepad applicationand L4D2 cant play.So shit lor.was pissed off and gave up.went to changi village to had chicken rice.and homed to webcam with hubby =)botak hubby smile smile in webcam.soo funny..anw thats all for the...
Went to meet Janice at white Sand yesterdayto help her with her psychology assignment.and She treat me to CoffeeClub (:The food was ok only.Spent around 2 hours inside:Eating,chitchat n interviews..LOL.anw,homed at 10 plus pm.Today is going to be a "SIAN" day AGAIN.Going to be seeing many lines of codes..eek!!!But first,ITS FACEBOOK TIME(:hubby spends lesser and lesser time smsing me.i feel very sad la.Plus...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHI SHAN!!=)saw valerie yesterday n i say:"Lets meet up"LOL..but how condradicting i am becos im the one who is always so busy andnot able to meet them whenever they ask me to.Thus,some ask me to organise the outing and guess wat?im bad at organising outing.LOLso as i said...ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDSi guess it applies to me that i have to...
& sometimes, it tears me apart.really wish i can spend more time with him...♥♥♥ & sometimes, it tears me apart.really wish i can spend more time with him...♥♥♥ ...
& i am missing hubby more than ever =/this feeling totally sux..anw,today kinda relax cos i'm clueless on what to do now.Dont even know what to search/type/place inside VS.ANY KIND SOUL HELP US?! ...
Heyllo (:Went to Escape Theme Park with botak hubby(:hehes..went for all the rides..Hubby force me to go for the haunted house..i stick to him like hell la throughout the walk.then he also force me to go play the GO KART.hahaha..n i know how to drive the kart thing le muahaha.but the kart soo bumpy n i drive hubby round n round.(:after playing repeated...
Today going back schl to cont my project..and then going to meet my dearest hubby at interchange.LIKE FINALLY..after 2 weeks..the day finally came.although its 2 weeks,it seems so long to me..=(cant wait for later...anw, gtg out le SEEYA~~~ ...
Went to Kota Tingi with family(:had fun in the waterfall swim.super freezing but shiook~~there's fishes swimming around me too.something cute too..theres this monkey open up a plastic bag n search for food.then the monkey look at someone's picnic basket.the monkey took the chance n open another plastic bag.when the person who own the picnic basket saw,the monkey just grab a tibits and run...
Finally completed my UP YOUR SERVICE course.Got a certificate.WELL DONE~had dinner @ CARLS JUNIOR w GRACE(:gossip all the way with many laughter.n then went to shop alittle n HOmeD. ...
OH!what an unlucky day for me..Found out that my hp left with 2 bar of batt in the morning.Able to got through the whole UP YOUR SERVICE coursewithout falling aslp(although i feel sleepy)After that went home...On the way from home by bus,there was this auntie, she damn gan jiongthen she step on my like WTH.she is not those skinny woman,Her size very...
Had singing with Jia qi and Grace at TOPONE.spent $16 dollar plus including a bento set n unlimited flow of drinksHad an enjoyable time singing with them.After singing,we shop around Bugis Streetand bout some food and homed.(:i Hoped that i could spent such time with friends.How wonderful could that be? Had singing with Jia qi and Grace at TOPONE.spent $16 dollar plus including...
Hey back from the 3D2N camp.Glad that it was a successful camp.Hope every participants enjoy our camp.& it was nice working with YanMing,Jane and Grace.Thanks to my subcomm helpers too for the hard workin the games and thanks for helping out.We also manage to surprise Davin on his birthday.Glad that he is touched n honoured.actually,i kinda upset becos this is the first...
Have been researching on my MP afraid that we have nothing to show during PR1after countless of research,i finally found out how to make the banner stays.but im trying my best to find out about the address bar.BB subcomm Camp is around the corner too.and my program is like =.=placing of priority?WORK OR CLUB???i feel so lost.i don't even know which is...
So, end up i didnt went for the program.OHYA!~ i receive hubby's sms.kekexjust one sms from him can really make my day a happy one.(:and im counting down the days he going to book out.i guess chiou ling will know how i feel.and i really miss him so makes me really moodless.its just seem so weird without him in schl.n i could...
HAPPY 22ND BIRTHDAY HUBBY!!!May all your wishes come true. & please please please take care of yourself. Dont wanna see you get hurt. PLus,im feeling terrible when you are entering the commando camp today. im on the verge of crying. im missing you so much already.. how am i going to survive two weeks without you? & i hope no matter how busy...
THANKS for the pple who were concerned bout me yesterday.GOOD NEWS is im feeling better now.with the bao ji wan,qian yu and yan ming bought for me& the subway,hubby bought for me kekex.anw, tml is the day hubby going in army le. =(the emotional feeling is going to i really wish hubby can spend more time with me =((n i really wish...
im feeling so sick..vomited & diarrhea & stomach pain & head pain.wat a "nice" combination..and napha is later...OH MAN!!THIS SUX..!! plan of doing a DIY cake faileddue to my sickness..HOWEVER,thanks to jeff for helping me to buy the caken thanks to Grace and Jia Qi in helping me with the plan.PLAN B succeeded.Hubby was surprised.& GOOD NEWS is i pass NAPHA.anw, hubby bought...
HAPPY 1YR4MONTHS ANNIVERSARY TO HUBBY ❤May we stay sweet n loving forever....i love you very much.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------yesterday,there was a cat following me in the lifti was so scared that i came out of the lift.i wanted the cat to come out of the lift BUT it didnttill the lift close,then it come out.then i try my luck AGAIN..but it failed the cat followed me...