
OH NO!!LEFT WITH 4 MORE DAYSbefore hubby leave for his army ...n im becoming more n more sad.. ...

BACK FROM a 3D2N GENTING TRIP =Dmiss me??kekexhad some fun playing the theme park..but its bored queuing up for 1 hr just to play one ride.LOL..anw, miss hubby so damn alot =( n i saw many stars on the way back to singapore.really wish i could see the stars with him.BYE PEEPS ~ (^-^)9 ...

& this result in having many pimples on my face.n make me so ugly =( ...


not in a mood right now.many things happen in just one day.im dread tired.trying to smile.& another thing,some pple can be so fake.on one hand,they act till so nice,when ask for help they will help "so willingly"the next thing they did is to seek for another personand then grumble.whats the point if u dont want help just say dont want la!!if u think...

im getting worried bout my project..hais..how am i suppose to add this text to speech in VS2005?how am i suppose to let server control client?how do i get the speech thing to work on multi client?this is so frustrating with no senior helpcos this is such a new project..THIS SUCKS.SERIOUSLY SUCKS.=( ...

& im gonna smile like i've never smile be4.even if i face any difficulty,im gonna face it with a positive attitude. ...

& i miss him terriblyeveryday,when i start to count down onthe days he will be going to army,my heart sank,feeling emotional..anw, 13 more days left...i really wish i had more time with him..how i really wish..=/ ...

14 more days to hubby's going in army.& i just cant bear to see him leave =( ...


OMG .. today hubby is OFFICIALLY GRADUATED!& CONGRATULATION TO ALL THE GRADUATES TOO!WISH THEM ALL THE BEST in their future ahead.To Li Qiang: hehes...i think when i first enter into BB,actually i didnt even notice u de..then slowly slowly know you..started to play hide n sick with ur bag n pencil box.and i really thought that it is very fun..cos u toopid stupid...

& sometimes im jealous when hubby talk to pretty girls=(this is so saddening when i dont feel that he care. ...

HEYHEY!!(:feeling super duper excited for the outing.hubby super LATE!!=( wat a bf!expect gf to wait for him...humph!went to buy mat n utensils at GIANThehes..super fun shopping for items w hubbythen head to SENTOSA.we walk to palawan beach nIM LEADING THE WAY.(:im not a route idiot kekex.the pple went is Chiou Ling,Darren,AhSeng,Bevin,Yoshi,Grace,Gerard,Yong Qinag,LQ n i.LOL..went to play captainball.super fun.kekex then play frisbee..i super noob...

Went to SAVH with jia qi and Mr James Wong.the place was indeed small.had gain some new knowledge for Window-Eyes.After that,Mr James Wong treat us to YakunI went to meet my mom,sis,grandmother and auntieat chinese restaurant at east point.went to uncle house.n im always super bored down therereason becos im the oldest down there..so my youngest cousin,shelly,3n a half yrs old,stick to me...

Went for SME AGM 2010.ALL THE BEST FOR THEIR UPCOMING AY.anw,hubby came to schl.happy happy. :)cos so long didnt see him le.after agm,we went to have subway.longtime misses to subway.we used to eat subway after schl.n he used to send me home after schl.now everything changed.n i seriously hate to get used tothe life im having now without him.. ...


HEYHEY!!hehes..today went jogging at Bedok reseviour.n im feeling GD!=)WENT to the gym to weigh our weight.surprisingly,i weigh 52kg.im extremely glad.saw many of my fwens,derrick,wei hoe,chauming,ariff, idris n many more..LOLso coicidence...then grace n i went swimming complex to bathe.i feel so refresh.LALALA~n homed with grace,chauming,jenson,their fwenn my old fwen DARYL,kinda weird to see him LOL.but anyway home sweet home..n im loving it~ =D ...

hIAS~ Hais~ HAIS~IM MISSING MORE N MORE OF HUBBY.he didnt go online as often as he did last time.& im totally SICK of all the internal conflicts.its making me so awkward and everything.i wish hubby is here with me so i will feel normalDo i have to put on a fake smile everyday? ...

Most of the time,i wish hubby will be beside me.cuddle me to slp,kiss me on the forehead saying gd night to me.& I REALLY MISS HUBBY'S hug :(oh well its just part of my wishful thinking.but i really hope that my wish will come true.oh well, many things happen.how i wish there is no such thing as conflict or hate.i just wish everyone...

oh man.im sick.almost the whole day lying on bed/sofa.n then drag myself to get up.i nd to force myself to drink many water.yea..k now facebook time be4 i go rest again. oh man.im sick.almost the whole day lying on bed/sofa.n then drag myself to get up.i nd to force myself to drink many water.yea..k now facebook time be4 i go rest again. ...

& i want hubby to show that he care for meANYWAY,PPLE pls support us BB.BUY our cotton cany,maltose candy n tattoos.SUPPORT CHARITY TOO. (:. ...

i wish we will be this sweet ♥~ i wish we will be this sweet ♥~ ...

AHHHHH YESSS~TODAY is a FANTASTIC day for me.we had a "welovehi" talk at the LT.got 3 free cds and a free skinfood voucher.followed by a schl trip to FUSIONPOLIS.that place is so damn cool.TOO BAD!no photography is allowed.the place are full of technology stuff..i think if you have a change to go..pls go pple.IT A GD LEARNING EXPERIENCE.n u will go like "woo...

hubby came to visit me after MP.so sweet of him hor~then we watch ironman2 in psp.in the end im watching it myself=.=n oh man the movie is bo0oring~TO THE MAX.so pple dont waste ur money..hubby bought for me a PINK earpiece!!hehehes..PINK LEH!!SUPER HAPPY.anyway gtg BB=) ...

Had lunch with Grace,Jia Qi and Jeffand then return to our usual routine. ...

BB Orientation camp is over.& i can say everyone's effort makethis camp a successful one =DGOOD JOB GUYS!!~AND HUbby having fever.POOR HIM.& POOR US,we didnt get to celebrate our monthsary =(i really wish i could hug him in schl..but u noe i say ITS SCHL.so i guess we have to behave ourself.Anyway today i woke up quite late.had difficulty walking cos of the...