HEY HEY!!Today woke up..then go swimming..omg..sunburn again..now my body is super uber painthen went white sandgo library read books.then go shop for groceyn then home..n went surf netfirst thing on comp then talk to dear..hahas..then go facebk n found this:http://www.facebook.com/ext/share.php?sid=64664856581&h=ZXdLg&u=Oxm1v&ref=nfMTC'09 de..go see!ok gtg see ya..Dear,i just wanna tell u i love you n always will... ...
HI PPLE..IM BACK FROM MTC 09 lemiss me?okok...heres my update for the four days 3 night in campRefresher DaY:Went to schl for refresher day..as mention above..was preparing log items n night walk stuff..the rest went for supper..n wendy n i slp first..THNX EUNICE for helpin me borrow slping bag.if not slping on hard floor..makes my bodyache >.<[missing dear la..>.< wish he come camp...
HELL0.JOEL WILL BE AWAY FOR....MTC FROM 25TH-28TH MARCH so0o0o...sAY0ONARA~ MISS ME EH?HEHES.. *P0OF..*(will miss my honey alot de) ...
Hell0.Everything went back to normal.was touched when reg,val n sky(pei reg) came visit me.i listen to their advise..n yes,they were right.i told my mom bout it.but my mom didnt take any action.hais.been doin housework at home.i was dead tired..n i miss my boy alot..super lots..hais..my besties have been there for me when im in trouble.really thnx..i was touched ..=) ...
JOEL IS HAVING SPLITING HEADACHE.OH SHIT.hais.my dad was super angry yesterday.he dont allow me to go out le.n i had a one to one talk with momshe understand me best.she scold me for tellin my dadthat i had a bf.knowing that my dadhad very bad temperature.my mom saysthat my dad so unreasonable..thats yher prob she never tell him..then she scold m sayi very...
I hate this family.seriouslyARGGHHHmy dad being unreasonable la..i feel like screaming..#$%^&*&^%.i feel like saying every of my sadness down.feel like crying.which i already did.wateva i do wasnt appreciate.wth...im real tired..tired of living.but i will hang onn hold on to our promise. ...
Hell0.Today had program meeting.meeting was alrite.Then went to meet honey.went to EHUB.we went to buy tickets for RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN.then went to eat JustAcia.=)Treated him.Just as i promised.hahas then headed for movie.the movie was okok only..lolAfter movie we headed to the beachn had sushi n see the sea.the sky was beautiful at nite.bcos there were stars.LOTS of it.n i was able to...
Examination ResultsStudent:0805637F JOEL TAN SI PINAcademic Year:2008/2009, October SemesterCourse:ELECTRONICS/MEDIA & COMM TECH/COMPUTER ENGINEERING/MICROELECTRONICSCODE SubJECT CU GradeEED1002 Printed Circuit Board Design 3 C+EEE1002 Electronic Devices and Circuits 6 BEEE1004 Digital Fundamentals 2 5 DEMA1002 Engineering Mathematics 2 4 CEPL1003 Problem-solving and Process Skills 2 PassESE1005 Computer Programming 4 CGFL1003 Language & Culture (Japanese) 3 C+Total Credit Units earned to-date: 51 cuCumulative Grade Point Average...
HELL0 EVERYONE!!IM BACK!!~AFTER 4 DAYS OF WORK AT IT FAIR =)got miss me?i bet u do hahas...=)i made lots of fwens therethey r Kim,Jovyn,alvin,marcus,dennis from EPSON n the three idiots XD[yik meng, Nan da n "ah beng"(4get his name le)]for four days i sold total of 29 sets of projector..n im satisfy with my sales ..=)sky[reg bf] came by my booth n say...
HELL0.T0day had programmer meeting..We learnt the xi shua shua dance for MTC camphahas super c0ol la the dance..then receive results..n gladly to say..I PASS!!IM PROMOTED TO MET LE!!!!!super happy..after that,dear n i went to reg house..go slack..then FONDUE..N HOME SWEET HOME..tml working le..omg scared >.<PHOTOSThis is atomic clubroomsuper nice rite? ...
"say u l0ve me."NOTHING MUCH TODAY.XCEPT FOR HOUSEWORK N SLACK.JOEL IS BOREDBOREDBORED.FAN SI WO LE.so many things on my mind now.feeling so messed up..wishing someone will be there for methis whole thing totally sux lathen somemore having throat pain.ARGHH...T-T ...
Ohayo~Today honey pei mego do my job stuff..muaks muaks..THNX HONEY~hahas..OTW to funanitmall to fill my particularsit ws raining la =.=..spoil my day.saw eugene lata..then he bring me go fill particulars.hahaas..then honey n i went harbourfront n vivo city walk walk..then last min go find the training place..hahas..end up was early went reach the centre.the training was alrite..just nd memorising>.<then honey had to wait...
HEll0 =)I had very lttle slp eversincei watch the horror movie yesterday>.<anyway today were nice..went swimming..i swam 23 rounds..swim back n forth is counted as 1 round =)its been quite long since i swim..then after that me n family went library..then at MAC,saw joan n chee yong..lolsafter that home sweet home..missing my honey at the moment..The continuation of PHOTOSON THE OUTING WITH BEST...
HeYo!~Today weny for BB outing cum farewell partywent to meet grace,larlene n yessy..then accompany grace to change her stuff..then when we were on our way to ceneleisureit was raining cats n dogs =.=such a lousy weather today..so we pondering on whetheer to buy umbrella.n in the end,we bought one.saw the rest of the girls n guys..we werent the latest.WEI XUN is.hahasThen we went...