
"pIAN0 IS L0VED"LEarning h0w to play"falling for you" on piano now.but i wanna learn it on guitar.=XWHO can lent me his/her guitar??ANYONE?my sis fwen lata coming my house lolhmm i will be so super bored..anyway i MISS my BOy..>.< SUPPER SUPPPERR MISS HIM. ...

"L0ve is in the air ❤"Konnichiwa~(^-^)yToday went for programmer meeting..while waiting for the bus..i saw this small little girl n her dad.she use the fan that she made herself..then use it to fan her dad..it like so sweet la~programmer meeting was fine~but i was really very tiredthen after meeting,i went to janice house to slack slackalrite enuff of todaygtg do my programmer stuffso...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROY!!=]May you stay happy always~Al0ha~hahas.oh welli shall not say:"EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER~"but i will say:"IVE finally overcome one obstacle~"Hahas..Grace,larlene n i had made this pact..cos pple were blogging the same old lines after exam..B0RING rite?..so we decided to be a little different.ok so yesterday~after ckt paper,larlene,grace n i went to bb club room to slackwhile the guys went to play bballthen...

BONJOUR ~hahas..0ops.=Xwasnt suppose to blog during study period.oh well,blogging is irresistable for meso dont blame me XD..btw went to study in bb r0omwith larlene n jia qi..but jia qi went off with xiangli(b34 playing bb)..went jogging with larlene.cass,gerry,LQ,kaihoewas suppose to jog for 4 rounds .in the end only 1 rounds..oh shit n i already tired after 1 round?G0NER!!Wheres my stamina gone to ?Anyway...

JOEL WONT BE BLOGGING TILL HER EXAMS ARE OVER.....=)Heres the update for today.Larlene came my house to study..haha we study n study then slack..ahhh head pain lor..kp studying..wiish exams faster over..>.<ok see ya i go be pig..tml goin meet fwens to study again..say0onara~*poof**gonna miss him l0ts n l0ts... ...

THE SHOW-LENKAI'm just a little bit caught in the middleLife is a maze, and love is a riddle I don't know where to go Can't do it alone I've tried, but i don't know why Slow it down, make it stop Or else my heart is going to pop Cause its to much, yea its alot To be something I'm not I'm a...

AL0ha!~=DToday went to schl..EUgene lent me his matric card go inBB roomhahas went there studywhile waiting for cass n larlene study~then receive valentine day present from larlene,cass n sharfirinthen chat chat..woos...then more n more pple come in BB room..LQ came too =]...lols...then Larlene,cass,LQ n me went to eat with JEFF.after eating saw jia qi~she gave me valentine day present too~=]then after that me...

Today was alittle better..i finish my ckt lab project successfully..thnx to MR stupid for the backup..hahas...During DFUND lab,i was shocked cos roy like tap on me then i turn back i see..he Holding one rose..then give me..i was think :"huh?y give me flower?"then he sAy just take so i take lor..i thought he play play de then i take then i give him...

Hell0ha~Today jaslyn gave me this choc for VALANTINE DAY!!AHHH so sweet rite?THANK YOU..[not like someone never give me..so evil~]anyway bad things happen..i score 3/20 for math test.."BRAVO!!"N.......................i score 24/30 for CKT..hehes...n i didnt study much for ckt..After schl ,went to free access lab..larlene fwen help me the circuit..but still canot work..ahhhh SIAO LIAO..After that went to study with GRACE in library..study abit only...

"JOEL IS A SAD GIRL TODAY =( "hIhI~ONE WORD to describe TODAY: IT SUCKS! AHHHH! cant believe my compprog will end up like this! On the verge of crying,though i hold back my tears. N once again i hurt my leg AGAIN.. CANT BELIEVE im so weak..[hate it >.<] Something to be happy about is i love the BB main commposition given!=D SAD...

MY DAD GAVE ME THIS YESTERDAY..WHEESS..ITS AN IPOD SHUFFLE N ITS PINK!!=]ELL0...Today wake up early in the morningjust to go swimming complex to support my sis..she is having her bronze test...this is how she look be4 her test start... BTW, she PASS..CONGRATS MEI MEI..=Dwent parkway parade shoppin..lolmet friends over there too..hehes...ONE MORE THING:Yesterday GRACE,LARLENE N Iwent to watch The curious case of Benjamin...

Ell0..Today had math test..AHHHH!!..i got the difficult paper!!>.<>then after that slp durin DFUND leccos very tired..went to LT 34 for AGM..[cos i was selected in BB MAINCOMM =)]On the way,saw LQ...then he let me put bag in Clubr0om first.Then went in lec..w0oh0o..saw Grace mama super pretty!!.C0NGRATS T0O:KAIHOE- NEW PRESIDENTNNNNNNNNNNNNOT FORGETTING.................LQ - NEW VICE-PRESIDENT!=D Congrats to GRACE,SI QI,YESSY,SHARON,WEI XUN N DAVIN n ME for...