
Al0ha~went to my dad's friends house bai nian..the condo is at JURONG..[so far]lols..im the oldest kids over thereso basically i will be bored there.hahas but LUCKILY,i brought my laptop!!=D hehesthen after that Buffet time!Yummmy!~then My dad's friends all say:"waaa!Jojo grow up more n more pretty..she become so skinny liao..aiyo..must eat more.[wat i think:"=.=omg wheregot skinny"]..n she is taller then you two already[claims to...

Konnichiwa~Have been very very busy...so sorry pple ..havent been updating..anyways....Today LQ bought Mac for me.was surprised though..but he owe me de hehes..oh yea forget one thing..I PASS COMP PROG!=Disnt it amazing..?but thats 70% of the overall..so jia you!joel u can pass de!lessons was alrite...went to find Lq [he was doin his water tech stuff]then finally cass came..but have to celebrate Elfie birthday,,so went...

"Wiishing that someone will be there with her watching the sunset."Today do household chores..super tiring..(=.=)Zz..lol..cant wait for tml either.cos can see my cousins..woohoo!=)watching the soccer drama series n chatting.so ciao!~i wanna l0ve again..but i cant find the perfect guy.the one who cares for me.n dont mind me for who i am. ...

HEY PPLE..s0rry for not updating..been very BUSY...>.<had webcam with my cousin Janice..hahas so hilarious..she cut her hair..n she lo0k like auntie!*just jokin*but she look weirdhahas she screenshot out photos [some i didnt noe when i've been screenshot*so l0ok ugly*]hahas she teach me how to screenshot als0..cos i am a comp idiot..hahas...anyway show u the screenshot that she take... SHE edited the screenshots[n i...

SENTOSA TRIP[GPS EVENT-BB-]16th January20o9Photos speak a thousands words for today.=)ENJOY! =D BYE PEEPS =) ~ ...