went to my dad's friends house bai nian..
the condo is at JURONG..[so far] the oldest kids over there
so basically i will be bored there.
hahas but LUCKILY,
i brought my laptop!!=D hehes
then after that Buffet time!
then My dad's friends all say:
"waaa!Jojo grow up more n more pretty..
she become so skinny liao..aiyo..
must eat more.[wat i think:"=.=omg wheregot skinny"]..
n she is taller then you two already[claims to be my parents=D]"
hahas..after eating chiong up back to the house
to use my comp..
then in the end there is satay n yu shen[after i left]
humph..=X missed it..
[but someone will feel honoured..hahas]
after that my dad gamble till 11pm plus..
then go home n SLEEP!=D
you r missed by me =X